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1)  To remove Seat:  Use a 10 mm socket to remove the bolt behind the seat.  Lift back of seat, move it to the rear and lift off.  

2)  To remove battery cover from right side of bike.  Remove the phillips bolt at rear of cover.  Cover pulls straight off.

3) Attach Pigtail:  (Pigtail is a 5 pin connector with 5 unterminated wires)  Pigtail  should run behind foot peg on left side of motorcycle with the connector positioned to hang approximately 5 inches from deck.  Secure the cable behind the foot peg and under the seat with tie wraps provided. Allow unterminated wires to hang over side of battery.

4)  Locate plug in front of battery that is in line with cable running towards rear of bike.  It will have 5 wires running through it (blue/green/brown/black/yellow).  Remove electricians tape in order to expose wires for connection to the pigtail wiring. 

5)  Cut and dress pigtail wires to allow attachment to the exposed wires.

6)  Using tapping blue connectors, connect as follows:



 7)  Secure wires to Motorcycle using tie wraps.

 8)  Replace battery cover.  It has two points (front and back) that must be seated before replacing and tightening the phillips bolt.

 9)  Replace seat.

Motorcycle Trike Conversion Kit 

Wiring Harness Installation

Yamaha VStar 650